Friday, January 14, 2011

are you serious?!

Okay so I'm getting a few comments that folks are ready to know where I am in my quest to become smoke free. First I must say that this is one of MANY goals that I have set for myself.

ARGGGGHHH!!! I hate Newports!!! I am struggling y'all. I have decided that this thing is bigger than Nino. I have enrolled in a smoking cessation class that has a quit date of Feb 14th. I plan to be a non-smoker by then but the encouragment that I feel knowing that others are after the same goal keeps me hungry.

I went to Jummah today. Yes, I have begun to understand that it may take a divine force to help me with this. Understand this... about 3 years ago I said I don't feel like smoking anymore and I just stopped!! 15 months later I decided that I wanted to smoke again. I just stopped but now I want to QUIT!!! I really appreciate all of the encouragment and the advice. I WILL BEAT THE NEWPORT THING!!! If it's an consolation... I refuse to give up!!! Tabacco companies know how to market and produce a product that will result in a lifetime customer. I am attempting to do what isn't suppose to be done. I am attempting to break the bonds on cigarette smoking. I have cut down significantly but I have yet to make it 24 hours without a cigarette. The power to do anything is already in me. The effort comes in giving in to what I already know and let go of what my body says that it 'wants'. Now remember I said realistically that I was giving myself 60 days. Come on guys!! I could use your prayers!!!! Starting Monday I'm pulling out the patches. Phase two of 'Attack the Pack' is underway!!

love and peace to everyone that is reading this and praying for my victory over newports!! Thank you guys!! honesty 101 in FULL AFFECT!!!

1 comment:

  1. you can do this! My husband and I have been smoke free for 14 months now and you will feel sooooo much better! Hang in there, eventually the thought of doing it is gonna make your stomach turn I promise!
